Bedbugs are commonly found in homes across Chicago. There is a good chance that you’re going to encounter them at some point. Bedbugs are ectoparasites meaning they’re going to consume blood. Although they’ll accept animal blood, they prefer human blood. As soon as they enter a human residence, they’re going to hide on the mattresses in the bedrooms. When the owner goes to sleep, the bedbugs will come out of hiding and suck their blood. Bedbugs are only 3/16 of an inch so they can hide for months without being detected. They often hide in cracks and crevices that you rarely check.
Why Do You Have A Bedbug Infestation?
It is easy to find out why bedbugs have invaded your home. You have bedbugs because they want to suck your blood. Bedbugs can enter residences using several strategies. First and foremost, most infestations occur after someone spends a night or two at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel may contain bedbugs, and the tourist may take them home with them. It frequently happens because most people don’t think about bedbugs when they arrive at a motel. It is wise to carefully check your luggage and clothes after your stay. Infestations can also occur when buying used furniture and clothes. If bedbugs are hiding on these items and you buy them, you’re going to develop an infestation. Bedbugs can sometimes move from one dwelling to another.
How Dangerous Are The Bedbugs In Your Home?
Most people believe that bedbugs are dangerous. It is easy to believe this because bedbugs bite and suck blood. Nevertheless, they aren’t dangerous at all. It is believed that bedbugs do not carry or transmit serious illnesses. The biggest problems are that they’re going to ruin your property and they’ll prevent you from sleeping well. If you don’t get enough sleep, you could get sick.
Ways To Eradicate Bedbugs In Your Home
It is wise to take steps to wipe out the infestation of bedbugs swiftly. Just remember that there are numerous ways to achieve this goal. We’re here to help. We offer comprehensive, full-scale bedbug services. For instance, we’re going to start by carefully inspecting the home. Once we’ve done this, we’re going to assemble a plan to fix the problem. We offer several treatments and we’ll work with you carefully to ensure you get the best treatment for you.
We offer manual bedbug services. The progress is quick and easy. It is best for eliminating bedbugs from specific areas of the structure. For instance, it would work well for eliminating bedbugs from a bedroom. The manual service has extensive preparations. You’ll need to complete a list of preparations before we can treat the home. Finally, we can eliminate bedbugs manually with or without chemicals.
We also offer heat treatments. It is likely our most popular bedbug treatment because it is safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly. Our heat treatments are great for eliminating infestations in cluttered homes and apartments. We like using heat to deal with such problems because it can eliminate all bedbugs at once. Plus, it’ll kill larvae, eggs, and adults. When you decide to use our heat treatments, you can guarantee that you won’t need to work hard. The preparation requirements are slim, and you can return home much sooner.
We strive to provide chemical-free bedbug heat treatments. Nevertheless, we may use Diatomaceous Earth too. Just remember that the natural dust won’t expose anyone in your home to dangers.
Finally, we offer fumigation services to commercial clients in Chicago. The treatment is best for dealing with a heavy infestation in large buildings. For instance, it would work exceptionally well for treating models, hospitals, and other large structures. The preparation requirements are slim, but clients will need to leave the building for a day or longer. You cannot return until we’ve told you it is okay to do so. We use Vikane to eliminate bedbugs during our fumigation service.
Dealing With Bedbugs On Your Own
You might be able to fix this problem on your own as long as the infestation is new. If you only have a few bedbugs in your home, you might be able to get rid of them without hiring a professional. Nevertheless, there is a good chance that you’ll need help from a professional. Therefore, you should pick up the phone and call our office promptly. We’ll do what we can to fix the problem while protecting you and your loved ones.
Always Safe Treatments
We can’t wait to begin helping you. When you work with us, you can rest assured knowing that you’re going to be protected. We never use dangerous chemicals in our clients’ homes. Instead, we rely solely on products registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. If you want to minimize the risks involved, we’re here to help. Contact us and we’ll tell you more about the steps we take to protect our clients.
The Cost
You’re likely worried about overpaying for bedbug removal services. We understand this wholeheartedly since some exterminators overcharge. We do not. We aim to provide reasonable prices while being as transparent as possible. When you work with us, you’re going to receive a bid price upfront. You can accept or reject the bid price. Once you’ve accepted it, we can begin treating your home.
Preventing Invasions In The Future
Don’t forget to try to keep these pests out of your home. If you can keep them out of your home, you’ll be able to avoid paying for our services. For instance, you should be cautious when staying at a motel. Make sure it is free of bugs before getting comfortable. Always check your bags before returning home and going inside. Be cautious when purchasing used items because they may contain bedbugs. Take these steps and you might maintain a pest-free home.
When Can The Extermination Begin?
Get in touch with our friendly Chicago representative right now. We’ll happily answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment. In general, we’ll get back to you in just 48 hours.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.