Field Museum

Looking for a perfect place to have fun with your family? You can visit Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. Field Museum has opened its doors for all visitors and staff while maintaining a safe environment. Field make sure that all quarantine protocols under the Chicago, Illinois order should be practiced. Before visiting, Field is requesting you to read details about health and safety, buying tickets, and some important information to know before visiting.

Wearing of Mask

 There are still plenty of COVID cases in Chicago that is why face masks are requested to be worn at all times regardless if you are already vaccinated. Everyone is required to wear face masks when inside the museum except when eating and drinking in the designated areas. This is to ensure the health safety of everyone while enjoying and bonding with your family.


All purchased tickets have entry time. Make sure that you arrive at your designated time to avoid further inconvenience upon entering. However, it is highly recommended that you purchase your tickets online prior to your visit to secure your time and date of visit. Although you can purchase them in person at the museum given to that, the day of availability will not be guaranteed. EZ Bed Bug Exterminator Chicago

Arriving at the Museum

When you finally arrive at the Field, you can enter through the main entrance on the South wing in McFetridge Drive. For PWD on wheelchairs or strollers, you can use the East entrance.

If you are ready to enter the museum you will be requested to show the receipt for your ticket that has been purchased online.

What’s Inside?

The Field Museum is one of the world’s great museums for natural history. Their diverse exhibits from ancient cultures up to the latest scientific evolutions. Explore ancient Egyptian tomb, watch the largest creature ever existed on Earth, discover ancient civilization, and more!

Field Museum and Their Permanent Exhibits

Cyrus Tang Hall of China displays 350 objects that represent centuries of Chinese culture like pottery, ceramics, religious sculptures, textiles, burial objects, and many more.

Inside Ancient Egypt is the popular exhibit of the Field Museum. It’s like a portal that takes you deep inside an ancient Egyptian burial chamber. Inside this chamber, you will come across 23 human mummies, and 30 animal mummies. You will also see hieroglyphs from the ceiling down to the floor.

Are curious about how does it feel to be a tiny creature? In the Underground Adventure, you will experience living like a bug, meeting a bunch of creatures that live in the dirt, and knowing how important they are in our ecosystem.

Way beyond more the mentioned above, Field offers more exciting experiences that will not just be educational but also engaging.


Address: 1400 S Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL.

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