How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding

You’ve no doubt heard that famous little nursery rhyme, “good night don’t let the bed bugs bite.” This cute little anecdote does not begin to make a statement as to the havoc these little pests can wreak. While they are not known for transmitting diseases, they can cause a whole slew of problems, starting with mental anguish. Some residents in Chicago have become so enamored with the fact that their homes might be potentially infested that they’ve found themselves unable to sleep. The human body needs sufficient sleep to adequately function. Some people become so upset that they find themselves unable to reinhabit the room of the infestation for fear that they will get bitten. Whatever the situation, you can see the need to eliminate these pests as soon as possible from the home. Of course, this is much harder said than done, and that’s because these bugs go out of their way to avoid detection. That’s right, they’ll change their entire sleeping and living arrangement to match that of yours, so they can feed on you when you are sleeping. Given the small size of these pests, their quick wits, and their ability to squeeze into some of the tiniest cracks in rarely visited places, it makes these critters extremely difficult to eliminate. You almost have to know how to force them out of hiding to just confirm that you are dealing with an infestation.

The Signs And Symptoms Are There, But I Can’t Find The Bugs

Just because you are seeing the signs and symptoms of a bed bug infestation, it does not necessarily mean that your home is infested with bed bugs. You could be dealing with fleas or mites, as the critters act similarly and bite in the same spots. This is why you have to almost procure a sample to confirm the infestation so you will know how to begin treatment.
  1. To start searching for bed bugs, you’ll want to start during your normal sleeping hours. Remember, bed bugs only come out when you are sleeping. This is when you’ll want to start your search, although you can set up active traps and leave them in place at all times. That being said, just know that these bugs will likely only show themselves during your normal sleeping hours.
  2. The next step in the process will be to move the bed and furniture away from the wall. The thought here is to force the bed bugs to use the legs of the bed and furniture to access the host. This allows you to place traps under the legs, forcing the bugs to travel through them before reaching you. After moving the bed away from the wall, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step of the process.
  1. Speaking of the next step of the process, this will be the actual placing of the traps. As for traps, you’ll have a wide selection to choose from. The first and most affordable will be the dish trap. This one is simply designed like a dish and traps the bugs when they crawl through it. With the bed moved away from the walls, the bugs will have to crawl up the legs of the bed before reaching their food source.
  2. Another option you have available to you is the CO2 lure. This one is installed under the legs of the beds and furniture items and works similarly. However, the major difference here is, this device emits CO2 to lure the bugs in. There are also some of these traps that come with glue paper-like material instead of a dish device design. This traps the bugs more effectively, guaranteeing they won’t be able to escape. That being said, the results are the same.
  3. One of the last options available is the heat lure. This one works and installs similarly to the ones described above. As you can imagine the only difference here is, this lure utilizes heat to lure the bugs in. It can also be equipped with a dish design or glue paper. Either way, the bugs will be trapped upon enter the lure and unable to escape.

Other Tools Available To You

With the above information in mind, there are also lures that utilize both CO2 and heat. Despite all this, the best option you have available to you when it comes to bed bug detection and elimination is the pest management professional. Someone with the right training and knowledge will know exactly what tools to implement and how to tackle the problem in the most effective manner possible. When dealing with bed bugs it never hurts to utilize more than one tool available to you. Most pest management professionals would probably recommend utilizing as many tools as you can.