Best Mattress Covers For Stopping Bed Bugs

Anyone that owns a home wants the best for that home. You’ve likely already spent thousands on this home and will only spend thousands more before it is all said and done. With that in mind, it only makes sense to arm your arm with the best protection possible against pesky bed bugs. That’s just what the best mattress covers can do. Of course, you’re going to have to choose the best.

A Quick Word On Bed Bug Mattress Covers

Would you leave your front door wide open during the night while you sleep? Heck, most people wouldn’t leave their doors unlocked these days and who could blame them? Unfortunately, if you haven’t been sleeping with mattress covers, you’ve been exposing yourself in the same manner. The only difference is, you’ve been exposing yourself to bed bugs, rather than human intruders. Just as the name describes, a mattress cover is a protective cover that prevents bed bugs from utilizing your mattress. The mattress is one of the bed bugs ‘ known favorite hiding spots. 90 percent of infestations usually appear in the mattress or near it. This is where the best mattress protectors come in handy. These products are not only designed to prevent bed bugs from using your mattress, but they’ll kill the ones that have already claimed residency here. Simply put, the best bed bug mattress toppers can be an effective prevention tool as well as a helpful offensive tool.

What Are Bed Bug Toppers?

Bed bug protectors, bed bug toppers, encasements, or bed bug protectors, you’ll hear different people refer to these products by various names. However, they are all pretty much the same thing. There might be different designs and manufacturers, but they are all designed with the same common theory in mind. That theory is to prevent bed bugs from utilizing the mattress while killing out the existing ones that have taken up residence there. When you think of a bed bug mattress topper or hear someone refer to them, you should think of a large Ziploc bag. That’s pretty much what they are and work with the same theory. They encase your mattress, protecting it from outside elements while trapping existing invaders in there. Each topper or encasement will come with a zipper mechanism that seals the mattress inside completely, preventing bugs from getting out to feed on you. If bed bugs are unable to feed on a living host, they’ll die out within just two weeks, according to the University of Minnesota.

Choosing The Best Mattress Toppers

You can likely already see the importance of bed bug toppers. However, just because they are needed, it doesn’t mean picking one will be easy. The process will actually be extremely difficult, as there are so many different designs and manufacturers. This is why it pays to know exactly what qualities to look for.

Does It Fully Encase?

If the protector doesn’t fully encase the mattress it isn’t going to do you any good. Most of the time this comes down to just choosing the right size. If you have a queen-sized mattress, you’ll want to choose a protector specifically designed for queen-sized mattresses. Pretty simple, right?

Does It Properly Seal?

The theory of a bed bug protector is to trap bed bugs inside while also preventing new ones from getting at the mattress. How can the product do this if it doesn’t properly seal? It couldn’t, and that’s why it is imperative to choose a mattress that properly seals. Sometimes this comes down to the zipper mechanism and manufacturer. The best manufacturers will usually include reinforced seams and a strip seal that covers the zipper and zipper leads once the product is fully zipped up. Keep an eye out for tiny rips and tears, as they’ll give off the same results as not having a topper that doesn’t properly seal.

Has It Been Tested?

There are plenty of things that look great on paper but fail when applied in the field. Unfortunately, this has also been the case with many bed bug mattress toppers. This is why you’ll only want to choose one that has been extensively tested and tested over and over again.

Is It Equipped With Toxins?

Most mattress toppers are constructed out of plastic or polymer materials for added durability and longevity. While these materials are just that, they can sometimes be designed with chemicals and toxins. In addition to this, some manufacturers will include pesticides and chemicals in their toppers to make them more effective. Of course, these will go away after a few days, and that’s why it’s best to let the mattress air out a day or two before installing it. However, you want to avoid this, you can choose one that is developed toxin-free.

Do Toppers Work In The Field?

You’ll find a lot of debates regarding the efficiency of bed bug toppers. And, unfortunately, this is a tricky topic. That’s because there are so many things that can go wrong with a bed bug mattress cover. While these products do work in theory and are extremely effective, there is just so much that could go wrong to make them ineffective. For instance, if the product isn’t installed right, there’s a rip, a small tear, or it isn’t zipped completely, all these things could render the mattress topper useless. And, more often times than not, this is the case. This is why it is best to always turn to the pros when it comes to mattress toppers. A bed bug pro will not only help you choose the best toppers for your home, but they’ll install them for you.